As with the sequence bellow, I crawled on my belly along the shore to get myself into a good position where most importantly the Otter would not be disturbed by realising my presence. Getting into such close proximity is not always possible when photographing Otters and it should never be attempted unless you are confident the animal will not be aware of you. If you think there is a risk of disturbing an Otter by trying to aproch it, there probably is, be fare and put them first and not your pottential images!
After this large Greenback was consumed and foraging had once again commenced, I waited untill he was far enough off shore before retreating to carry on my circuit of the site. Over an hour later on my return he was still catching crabs in the same area.
Interestingly the second cub and mother were no where to be seen. This is not unusual though as at this age cubs, especially males can spend quite some time foraging by them selves. I hope that next time I visit the site I find them all together again...